Discover my thoughts on whether screentime or television is bad for your children’s sleep.
Read MoreAccording to the WHO, “Self care is the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health care provider”.
So why don’t we value our own self-care as mothers? Read a short blog all about self-care importance as a mother.
Read MoreWhat could I have done better as a mum this year? Read my top parenting lessons of 2019.
Read MoreWhat can I do to help my newborn sleep? How do I get them into a sleep routine? Read these 5 lessons on how to help your newborn sleep.
Read MoreHow do I fit everything in as a parent? How do I get more time? Follow my 4 life hacks for getting things done whilst your child sleeps.
Read MoreConfused as to when your toddler should stop napping? Read this blog & follow the table to work out when to drop naps.
Read MoreOur little whirlwinds often challenge us in ways we didn’t know possible. Here’s Calm Cats tips for keeping toddlers calm!
Read MoreGet 4 tips on how you can improve your child’s sleep time.
Read MoreIs it okay to not be okay? Is it okay to put your own self care first? Read a blog on ‘mum guilt’.
Read MoreConsidering baby led weaning? Get some tips on how to save time and prepare meals!
Read MoreHow do I move my toddler from my bed to their own? Read my 6 top tips on how to succeed at moving from bedsharing to independent sleeping.
Read MoreI remember when I had my first born and prior to training as a Sleep Coach, I literally had no idea that there is a recommended amount of sleep for children. I just thought a baby would sleep when they wanted to like many of us as adults. The problem was, he never seemed to want to or know how to sleep during the day.
Read MoreI can honestly say the more sleep deprived I am, the higher my anxiety and stress levels are. I know it is impossible to never experience stress, but I find parenting so much harder when I am struggling with anxiety. This month I’m excited to introduce Gemma Sandwell from the Happiness Branch who shares her hacks on how to feel less anxious when you are sleep deprived.
Read MoreAfter giving birth to our first born, Oliver, it is safe to say that my life transformed within an instant. I know that many mums and dads feel the same. However for me, not all of this change felt positive. If I’m being honest, becoming a mother for the first time stripped me of my whole identity.
Read MoreYou may not know this about me, but when I was 15 I was diagnosed with M.E., “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis”, which can also be referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It seems rather apt to share my journey with you, being that it is M.E. Awareness week.
Read MoreThis subject is one that is close to my heart. With our first born Oliver, we never had to worry about this because there was no such thing as “stopped sleeping” as he never started. However, our little sleeper Ruby slept through as a newborn, but now she wakes 2-3 times a night as a 5 month old. Does this sound familiar?
Read MoreWill my second baby come early? A question I was continually asking myself (and google) throughout my third trimester. Never did I think that having a premature baby the first time, would make me constantly be on edge when I was pregnant with our second.
Read MoreI remember when I was pregnant with Oliver our first born, I met a mum to be in our ante natal classes who said she was having her placenta encapsulated after giving birth. To be honest the first thing I thought was “What the hell is that”? She then went on to tell me and I just thought it was really weird, why would she want to do that? After giving birth she sent the group a photo of her “Placenta Smoothie”, which at the time seemed really disgusting. I mean why would she do this to herself?
Read MoreThere I was 35 weeks pregnant with our second baby, creating a thorough sleep plan for our unborn little girl. After giving birth first time round to our sleep thief, I was determined to use all of my tools in my toolkit to help our baby girl to learn to sleep.
Read MoreTruly. Too many parents hear the words “baby has colic”, “it’s normal”, baby will grow out of it” or phrases to that extent. And are sent home. Apparently “reassured” that it is normal. That the high-pitched screaming of their tiny infant is somehow normal. That inconsolable crying is normal. That still not being able to settle or sleep peacefully by the age of 8 months is normal.
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