“Kathryn is knowledgeable and was able to convey that information in a way that was relevant and useful to us as a family
We have gone from feeding to sleep every time with hourly wake ups to going to sleep in cot with bum pats and fewer wake ups. I've learned to recognise when I need help to and have been empowered to ask for it.”
“The support has been great, Kathryn has kept in regular contact to check on Jack and how he is doing. This also makes me feel that if things do change there is someone to go to for help rather than struggling which is what we were doing so support has been great.
As a family we enjoy each other more, we feel we have more energy for the boys, but we can also pin point their needs throughout the day more as we have consistency.!”
Emma - Mum Of 6 month old
“The results have been amazing and for us luckily really quick. The new routine has made getting our baby to sleep so much easier and now she is not overtired all of the time she has gone from having 6-8 night wakings with a lot of comforting from us to get her back to sleep down to 2-3 usually just for a quick feed or she can self settle. We still have a little way to go to get to our goals but Kathryn has given us the tools and confidence to get there..”
Too Exhausted To Know Where To Start?
I can help, book your Sleep Consultation call to find out how.
Karen - Mum of 9 month old
Steph - Mum Of Twins 16 months old
“The results so far have been incredible, by night 2 both of our girls slept through the night. I didn’t think this was possible, let alone this quick”
Az - mum of 5 month old
“I was a little hesitant to hire a sleep consultant as we had tried lots of the popular sleep plans out there to no avail! Working with Kathryn was a breath of fresh air. The support and encouragement she offered was really individual to our baby. Night wakes have reduced dramatically and early wakes are rare. Thank you Kathryn, we are a much happier family!”
Jess - Mum Of 1 Year old
“My daughter now goes to bed wide awake and settles herself to sleep all alone. She is sleeping most of the night and even if she does wake she will settle very quickly. Working with Kathryn was a great experience, in a relaxed style without judgement and very informative.”
Ready take the first step to a better night sleep?
Rosie - Mum of 15 Month Old & 4 Year Old
Holly - Mum Of 5 Month Old
“Within just a few days of starting my plan, Oliver was falling asleep in about 10 minutes which felt like a dream! I did decide however that I needed faster results, so Kathryn modified my plan and literally the next day I could put Oliver down in the cot and he learnt to self settle. As if by magic, two nights later he started sleeping through the night and his naps got longer! I feel like I’m getting my sanity back and Oliver is certainly a much happier baby!”
Josie - mum of 12 week old
“We were not sure what to do as we did not want to let Morgan cry it out as he is so young at just 13 weeks. We found Kathryn very patient and thorough with the information she provided us with. I now feel like a different person, as soon as he started to sleep even just a few more hours we were so excited for the unbroken sleep. It has made us happier and also given us more motivation to keep going.”
Amy & JAmes
“I am so happy with the sleep coaching I received.”
“Kathryn is professional, extremely knowledgeable, flexible to your family needs, reassuring, friendly and listens. She deserved a magic wand and some wings”